2015, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Educación Médica Superior 2015; 29 (4)
Some considerations about the development of an English lesson in medical sciences
Reyes Miranda, Daniel; Texidor Pellón, Raiza; Moreno Rivero, Yainier
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 863-871
PDF size: 81.34 Kb.
English Teaching as a discipline in the University of Medical Sciences has the aim of
training a comprehensive professional with a general and professional
communicative competence in this language which allows the graduate to solve the
most general and frequent problems in their action field. To achieve this goal, the
English teacher must have an adequate pedagogical level and a complete mastering
of his/her subject contents. The objective of this paper is to reflect on some aspects
that must be taken into consideration during the development of an English class in
the University of Medical Sciences. The information was obtained with theoretical
methods of analysis and synthesis of bibliographic and documentary reviews on the
issue as well as the 30-years-long experience of the authors in this area. In
conclusion, the steps and procedures of the English class must have an in-depth
study to enrich the whole process since the social demands and standards on the
health professionals require that they have a solid qualification in English so as to
be able to respond to the needs of the country. To obtain this level, among other
aspects, the English classes must be excellent.
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