2015, Number 4
Characteristics of educational communication in the medical education
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 832-836
PDF size: 50.98 Kb.
Some aspects related to the characteristics of the educational-teaching communication in the field of medical education were reflected and this is a term wholly accepted in the pedagogic scientific media because it shows a reality that cannot be ignored, that is, the decisive importance of the professor-student relationship within the process of teaching/learning process with a view to fulfilling the educational objectives. Emphasis was made on the psychoeducational guidelines in the medical education which represent educational materials based on the diagnosis of pedagogic requirements and aimed at guiding and educating about the most effective ways of behaving to face certain situations. Some methodological considerations were stated in relation to these materials. Some general and specific recommendations are made to encourage successful preparation and performance during the candidate's practice and a more homogeneous performance of the boards of examiners for this process that is yearly implemented in the medical universities of the country.REFERENCES
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