2015, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2015; 34 (4)
Genome-environment interaction in the occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a population living in Plaza de Revolucion municipality
Lemus VMT, Llanos HI, Lardoeyt FR
Language: Spanish
References: 35
Page: 298-312
PDF size: 210.86 Kb.
Introduction: addressing the study of complex diseases, particularly diabetes mellitus, has been a medical genetics priority in Cuba due to the high prevalence of disease nationwide.
Objective: to determine the interaction of the genome and the environment in occurrence of type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Methods: observational analytical population-based case and control study conducted in the period of April 2012 to April 2014 in Plaza de la Revolución municipality, La Habana province. The sample was made up of 52 patients and 104 healthy subjects paired by age and location of residents with the cases in 2:1 ratio. For the screening of environmental factors, information was gathered from the subjects about physical activity, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, saturated fat-rich diet,
and refined sugar-rich diet, consumption of vegetables, alcohol-taking and smoking for identification of genetic factors, the histories of 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th degree
relatives, who were affected, were taken.
Results: it was determined that the risk of suffering diabetes in a subject with a family history of disease in his first degree relatives is 3.25 times higher than that one who does not. When analizing the interaction between the genome and the environment, one could observe that the environmental factors increased the genetic risk of having type 2 diabetes mellitus by 2 times approximately. These results are starting point to draw a preventive strategy of the disease at the
primary health care within the genetic counseling program aimed at the affected families.
Conclusions: the genome-environment interaction increases the risk of diabetes if compared with the attributable risk of both factors, genetic and environment, independently. It was evidenced that type 2 diabetes mellitus is not only an example of genome-environment interaction but gen-gen interaction as well, since many genes described for obesity are the same as the ones studied for type 2 diabetes mellitus and for insulin-resistance syndromes.
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