2015, Number 2
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Rev Cubana Farm 2015; 49 (2)
Productivity and impact indexes of Revista Cubana de Farmacia in the period of 1995 to 2013
Machado RMO, Hernández RG
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 337-350
PDF size: 191.23 Kb.
Introduction: Revista Cubana de Farmacia is the official journal of the Cuban Societes of Pharmacy and Pharmacology and also is one of the Cuban publications
that managed to ber included in the well-known international database
Objective: to characterize the productivity and impact of Revista Cubana de Farmacia during the period from 1995 to 2013 from a bibliometric perspective.
Methods: adescriptive, longitudinal and retrospective study of scientific production published in this journal in the period of 1995 through 2013 was conducted. An intentional sample of 651 articles was used. All collected data were processed using the reference manager
EndnoteX. Bibliometric's indicators that made it possible to evaluate aspects related to productivity (by author, sex, productivity index, associativity and transitivity, production per country, institution, keywords and province) as well as impact of the journal (
SCimago Journal Rank and the Attraction's Index) were applied.
Results: a total of 1 199 authors were identified (61.2% females) of whom 24 have published 10 or more papers, being Margarita García Peña the most productive author. Cuba turned out to be the country with the highest number of articles published (89.98 %) whereas the Centre for Research and Drug Development and Havana where the most represented institution and province the
sample. Pharmaceutical Analysis and Pharmaceutical Technology were the most addressed topics in the journal and he obtener a showed a
SCimago Journal Rank
of 0,111 and an Attraction Index of 7,37.
Conclusions: the editorial commission must increase the marketing and promotion actions to gain more visibility and impact factor worldwide.
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