2016, Number 2
Mature deglutition in children aged 2 to 5 years and their eating habits
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 104-111
PDF size: 170.76 Kb.
Introduction: in Cuba, there is a lack of knowledge about mature deglutition pattern and the influence on eating habits.Objective: to characterize mature deglutition pattern in children aged 2 to 5 years.
Methods: a transversal analytical study was carried out in 100 children belonging to medical offices from the Dentistry Faculty of Villa Clara province between March, 2012 and April, 2014. Mature deglutition pattern and associated eating habits were analyzed. An observation guide of swallowing and a data sheet were used. Contingency tables were used in the statistical processing by means of Fisher's exact test and Cramer's V test as a measure of strength of association and relative risk estimates of deglutition. Descriptive statistics of median tendency and its variability were provided. Mann-Whitney test was used to compare if maturity exists or not. Informed consent and medical ethics were also considered.
Results: mature deglutition was observed in 24 children and immature deglutition in 76 of them. Significant influences exist among mature deglutition, breastfeeding time, time of introduction of weaning (0,055) and consistency of foods (0,000).
Conclusions: immature deglutition predominated. Breastfeeding time, time of introduction of weaning and consistence of foods had an effect on maturation.
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