2016, Number 1
Electrophysiological evaluation of masticatory muscles in children with orthodontic treatment with functional appliances and myotherapy
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 67-79
PDF size: 184.32 Kb.
Introduction: functional orofacial muscle equilibrium is essential for maintainance of a balanced occlusion and can be evaluated through electromyography.Objective: to evaluate the effectiveness of electrophysiological orthodontic treatments in children with malocclusions.
Method: a longitudinal, prospective and electromyographic study of masticatory muscles in 10 healthy children and 30 with malocclusions was conducted. They received orthodontic treatment with functional appliances, myotherapy or combination of both methods. The explored muscles were temporal, masseter and orbicularis oris in maximum contraction during movements of occlusion, laterality, retrusion, opening and deviation of the corner. The results obtained in the initial examination and at the nine months of treatment were compared each other and with healthy subjects.
Results: the mean amplitude and Upper Centile Amplitude (UCA) variables had significantly lower values (p ‹ 0.05) in the initial records of the different treatment groups compared with healthy subjects. Favorable variation was observed in the amplitude of contraction pattern in treated groups alone or in combination with myotherapy functional appliances.
Conclusions: electromyography is useful to assess the degree of rehabilitation of patients with orthodontic treatment, being the use of functional appliances as individual therapy and combined with myotherapy the most effective to improve the muscle contraction pattern and correct dental malocclusions.
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