2015, Number 3
Evaluation the spanish version Yesavage abbreviated questionnaire in diagnostic of depression in geriatric population
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Introduction: Depression is one of the most common and disabling syndromes of the elderly population to be a major health problem.Objective: To determine the diagnostic capability of the questionnaire GDS Yesavage abbreviated Spanish version, as detector of depression in Cuban population aged 60 and over.
Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a population of 101 patients who were administered the GDS questionnaire Yesavage abbreviated Spanish version to detect the possible suffering from depression.
Results: There was a predominance of females (63.4%), the age group of 70-75 years (23.8%). 42.6% of patients may experience some depressive disorder according to the GDS questionnaire Yesavage abbreviated Spanish version is more frequent in the age group of 65-69 years (64.7%) with a mean score of 5.8 points. The scale proved to be more sensitive from 4 points (84.6%) but was more specific points from 7 (89.9%). The percentage of misclassified patients was higher from 4 points (28.7%). These parameters were more reliable in patients without cognitive impairment. Question 3 of the questionnaire was the highest sensitivity (72.1%) and the one of greater specificity (91.4%).
Conclusions: The GDS Yesavage abbreviated Spanish version questionnaire was useful in the diagnosis of depression probably more Cuban population over 60 years.
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