2016, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2016; 32 (1)
Reflexive essay on the use of hammocks for preventing pressure ulcers
Ramos RL, da Silva PS, Souza BL, Almeida FNM
Language: Portugués
References: 20
PDF size: 90.23 Kb.
Introduction: The hammock is an utensil of indigenous origin used to sit down, to
rest and to sleep. In Roraima, north area of Brazil, for cultural subjects the hammock
is also used as bed hospitalar. In that sense it is emergent to transcend the thought
ethnographic and to contemplate on the effects that the hammock can cause on the
physical body of that that rests for long period of time on it.
Objective: Make a reflective essay on sleeping on hammock by using Cascudo's
literary text to provide constitutive elements to subsidize the theoretical framework of
a doctoral thesis, which proposes the use of sleeping hammock to prevent pressure
Method: Reflective discourse provided by classical content analysis method.
Conclusion: Cascudo's text answered the study’s objectives, expanded the
understanding of the importance of hammock not only as a decoration object, but also
to provide comfort and sleep, though its use may be under the judgment of the body
which is inseparable from cultural preferences.
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