2016, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2016; 32 (1)
Religiousness: a defense for confronting cervical cancer
Lagoueyte GMI, Gómez GMM, Velásquez SA
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 83.82 Kb.
Introduction: 5,600 new cases of cervical cancer are documented each year in Colombia, a reason why this is an alarming public health concern that causes
discomfort and suffering, and hinders the full life development of the women affected.
Objective: To acknowledge religiousness as a confrontation strategy for women diagnosed with cervical cancer.
Methods: This qualitative study was carried out in the metropolitan area of Medellín, Colombia, from August 2007 to May 2009, with the guidelines proposed in Teoría
Fundada. Fourteen women diagnosed and treated for cervical cancer were interviewed, contacted by health institutions providing the treatment. Data analysis was manual.
Results: Religiousness constitutes a defense for women with cervical cancer to endure the conditions they are submitted to.
Conclusions: The religiousness experience is lived by women diagnosed with cervical cancer and who have received treatment, and it is determinant to confront the pain and suffering burden brought by the disease.
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