2016, Number 1
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Gac Med Mex 2016; 152 (1)
Clinical and periodontal predictive factors of severity in gingival recession (GR)
García RA, Bujaldón DAL, Rodríguez AA
Language: Spanish
References: 42
Page: 51-58
PDF size: 93.09 Kb.
Introduction: Gingival recession is an unsightly condition due to root exposure. It can lead to dental hypersensitivity, root
caries, and tooth loss.
Objective: To determine the influence of different clinical and periodontal parameters on the severity
of gingival recession evaluated at four periods: initial, 6, 12, and 18 months of follow-up.
Material and Methods: Forty patients
with gingival recession were included in the study. Sociodemographic data, systemic diseases, harmful habits, dental hygiene
habits, parafunctional habits, and orthodontic treatment were collected. Periodontal status (plaque index, gingival bleeding
index, attached gingiva loss, pocket probing depth, and attachment loss) was also measured.
Results: None of the clinical
parameters studied influenced the number of teeth with gingival recession. Smokers showed a higher number of teeth with
attached gingiva loss (p = 0.03). A direct relationship between the severity of gingival recession and plaque index (p = 0.02)
or 4-6 mm attachment loss (p = 0.04) was observed. At six months of follow-up, gingival index was the only parameter that
influenced the severity of gingival recession (p = 0.01).
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