2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2015; 31 (3)
Chronic Kidney Disease: prevent, rather than treat
Bencomo RO
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 353-362
PDF size: 128.71 Kb.
Introduction: Chronic kidney disease has high prevalence. Usually it is easy to
recognize and there are some treatments that can prevent its development and slow
its progression to end-stage. It is defined as a set of heterogeneous diseases that
affect renal structure and function. It is classified according to stages of severity,
defined by glomerular filtration in addition to the clinical diagnosis.
Objective: Demonstrate the importance of primary health care (PHC) in preventing
chronic kidney disease.
Methods: For updating the literature, a search was conducted in databases such as
Medline Complete and Medline with Full Text in Ebsco, Pubmed and Scielo regional. All
primary studies or literature reviews where chronic kidney disease was the center of
attention were considered.
Conclusions: Strengthening programs of primary health care, with an emphasis on
slowing renal damage is necessary. Chronic kidney disease is a health problem that
potentiates the importance of interdisciplinary work, social contribution, the
participation of people in their own health care, institutionalization of preventive
programs and a higher level of cooperation between the health teams for preventing
and delaying chronic kidney disease. Simple and inexpensive actions compared to
dialytic treatment and loss of health, high costs, both economic and social involving
both diagnosis and treatment, as well as the high incidence of complications
demonstrated in this disease determine prevention is the crucial point to stop its
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