2015, Number 3
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2015; 44 (3)
Predictors of mortality due to intracerebral hemorrhage during the acute period
Pérez GAR, García MA, Sosa AEF, Padrón VF
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 277-288
PDF size: 141.67 Kb.
Introduction: in Cuba cerebrovascular disease occupies the third cause of death, followed by cardiovascular diseases and neoplasms and it is the fifth leading cause of years of healthy life lost. Inside the cerebrovascular disease, intracerebral hemorrhage is the major complication.
Objective: determine the factors associated with short-term mortality of intracerebral hemorrhage.
Method: a cohort-retrospective and analytical study was conducted with intracerebral hemorrhage patients admitted in hospital emergency and therapies
services. Clinical, demographic and imaging factors were considered for the hypothetical forecasts of death from intracerebral hemorrhage.
Results: the age group 70-79 has higher mortality (76.2%) and the highest number of cases of intracerebral hemorrhage (59 patients). 60% of patients taking
anticoagulants prior to intracerebral hemorrhage, died; while 67% of non consumers survived. The relationship between intracerebral hemorrhage and ischemic heart disease is independently associated to death event (p= 0.00), while patients with respiratory infection had the highest proportion with deceased patients (73.1%).
On the other hand, patients who arrived unconscious and urinary incontinence were directly related to mortality (77.5%) and (69.1%) respectively. Those who had ventricular hematoma extension and volume higher than 50 ml presented 8 and 13 times more probabilities to die than the others, respectively.
Conclusions: the mortality predictors of intracerebral hemorrhage were: use of oral anticoagulants, ischemic heart disease, the presence of respiratory infection, unconscious on admission, the presence of urinary incontinence, ventricular extension of the hematoma and intracerebral hemorrhage with higher volume than 50 ml.
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