2015, Number 4
Level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS in secondary school students
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: among sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS is perhaps the most frightening: it has no cure. In this regard, prevention in Cuba is emphasized together with the permanent work. Adolescents represent a bigger concern, from the study and knowledge on sexuality produced in them like a natural phenomenon.Objective: to identify the level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS in secondary school students from Santa Clara Municipality.
Methods: a descriptive and cross-sectional research was performed. In a sample group of 11 560, 2890 students were chosen by stratified sampling, under informed consent. The variables studied were sex, grade and level of knowledge. To obtain the information, a survey was conducted; percentage was used as summary measure.
Results: 31% of the sample studied in the seventh grade; 36.08%, in the eighth grade; and 32.92%, in the ninth grade. The female sex predominated. The most acknowledged ways of HIV/AIDS transmission were blood transfusions and other blood products from an infected individual (96.67%) and unprotected sexual intercourse (96.47%). 99.01% referred, as fundamental measures of risk prevention: avoid syringes, transfusions and HIV-contaminated breast milk. 97.99% acknowledged the school and the health professionals as the most important providers of information; 85.02% showed a good level of knowledge.
Conclusions: a good level of knowledge on HIV/AIDS predominates in Santa Clara Municipality secondary students. The school, health professionals and the family were identified as main providers of information.
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