2015, Number 4
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Rev Cuba Enf 2015; 31 (4)
Overburden and quality of life perceived in family caregivers of renal patients
Romero ME, Rodríguez CJ, Pereira DB
Language: Spanish
References: 26
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Introduction: Overloading affects the caregiver receives their roles because they must devote to meeting the needs of the family, thus the quality of life of both the provider and the recipient of care in the health-disease process is affected.
Objective: To determine the relationship between perceived overload and quality of life of caregivers of patients with chronic renal failure in Cartagena.
Methods: Correlative study with a sample of 225 caregivers of patients attending service institutions hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis in Cartagena, chosen at random. Measuring the quality of life was assessed using the proposed instrument Ferrel, overloading was determined by the Zarit burden scale. The outcome measures of central tendency average and standard deviation were expressed in frequencies. The relationship between variables was determined using Kruskall Wallis.
Results: Involved 225 caregivers, 75.1% in age ranges from 36 to 59 years, 76.9% female, were married in 54.7% and were mostly layer 2 62%. The overload manifested by the caregiver is especially associated in the physical, psychological and social dimensions averages (72.3) (68.0) and (66.0) to obtain p-value ‹ 0.05 each; the spiritual dimension no association since its p-value was ≥ 0.05.
Conclusions: Overload in caregivers of patients with renal impairment was associated with quality of life, physical, psychological and social dimensions.
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