2015, Number 3
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Rev Cuba Enf 2015; 31 (3)
Understand the meaning of care in nursing
Valverde MSS, Carnevalli MAL, Rezende DEM, de Souza TF, Rodrigues RZM, Coelho LFSM, Ribeiro MMF
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 66.29 Kb.
The present study aims to lead the nurses to uma critical reflection on understanding the meaning of care profession em, em the current scenario of the health. Teniendo into account the pursuit of knowledge itself, although the practice inherited repeated throughout history, it is important that nurses her lead! precocupación you to discover the why and the how to perform in practice amonizando care and management, being essential to do not only from the point of view of the action and yes, care, considering the meaning and depth, given that care should be guided by a non-mechanistic theories of practice, but in a spirit focused on solidarity and respect for the integrity of human beings.
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