2016, Number 1
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Salud Mental 2016; 39 (1)
La salud mental y la atención primaria en México. Experiencias de un modelo de atención colaborativa
Vargas TBE, Villamil SV
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 190.92 Kb.
In Mexico, there is scarce experience on the development of mental
health primary care models.
The goal of this work was to structure and apply a collaborative care
model in mental health based on scientific evidence proven in other
A model complying with the characteristics of Mexico City’s health
system was designed. The model was composed of: training sessions
for the health team to detect possible cases, application of a screening
instrument (K-10), diagnostics of depression and anxiety, and collaborative
care meetings, among general practitioners and the specialist
(psychiatrist) to oversee cases. An opinion interview about the model
was applied to general practitioners.
One hundred and four professionals were trained. During the three
years, 830 (50.5%) possible cases were detected; 38% of them were
evaluated in collaborative care sessions between the general practitioners
and the psychiatrist. Half the sessions were cancelled, mainly
for administrative reasons. The assistance of medical practitioners and
pregraduate medical education was regular.
Discussion and conclusion
A collaborative care model between the general practitioner and the
specialist is feasible in this context. However, some administrative barriers
–such as the organization of services and the number of programs
developed at the primary care– should be solved, because there are
other programs demanding from them the exclusiveness of time. In the
light of this limitation, and given the collaboration in the project, it is
proposed that pregraduate medical education students involve themselves
in this type of models with the support of general practitioners.
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