2015, Number 3
Effectiveness in the application of an audiovisual distraction method for children during vaccination
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Objectives: to evaluate the effectiveness of applying a method of audiovisual distraction about the pain level in four-year-old children during the administration of the MMR vaccine in a health zone of Extremadura.Method: randomized controlled trial design. Two groups of four-year-old children were studied: Intervention group (n1=25) and control group (n2=25). The intervention consisted of the application of a method of audiovisual distraction during the administration of the vaccine. The intensity of pain was measured with two scales: CHEOPS and facial drawings. It was also measured variations of blood pressure and heart rate.
Results: the intervention group showed significantly lower pain when compared with the control group, both the scale CHEOPS and the scale facial drawings. Also, it was found statistical significant differences in the blood pressure and heart rate.
Conclusions: the audiovisual distraction it was an effective method to decrease pain intensity of such procedure. It would be necessary to enhance the development of distraction strategies in many painful procedures, especially in children.
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