2015, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Farm 2015; 49 (1)
Spray drying of calcium and magnesium citrate from dolomite
Rodríguez CJE, López HOD, Blanco CO, Nogueira MA, López AM
Language: English
References: 19
Page: 29-37
PDF size: 90.26 Kb.
Introduction: calcium is an essential nutrient required in substantial amounts, but
many diets are deficient in calcium making supplementation necessary or desirable.
On the other hand, spray drying is an important technology used in the
pharmaceutical industry. In this process the end-product must comply with precise
quality standards.
Objective: To evaluate the spray drying of calcium and magnesium citrate and to
make comparison with the traditional method of drying.
Methods: calcium and magnesium citrate salt was obtained at bench scale from
dolomite and suspended in water in a proportion 1:10 (w/v) and spray-dried. The
final batches were evaluated by chemical and technological analysis methods.
Results: the results showed that calcium, magnesium, citric acid and total ash
content have similar concentrations regardless of the used drying method. Residual
moisture content of the dried product by spray drying method was higher than that
of the dried sample by traditional method. Nevertheless, all the results were below
the maximum allowable limit. The physical properties of the samples for each
drying method were similar except for density because the spray-dried samples
showed values lower than those of traditionally dried samples.
Conclusions: the results indicate that the tested spray drying conditions are suitable for drying of calcium and magnesium citrate from dolomite.
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