2015, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Invest Bioméd 2015; 34 (3)
Effect of the loading condition of one-component dental implant on the stress distribution in a type IV quality bone
Sarria PP, González RJE, González SDR, Rodríguez MM, Rodríguez FR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 204-212
PDF size: 334.03 Kb.
Introduction: the load-supporting capacity of osseointegrated dental implants is
significant depending on their loading condition and on the maxillae's bone quality.
Objective: to analyze the influence of the loading conditions of a single component
dental implant with square thread on the stress distribution in a type IV quality bone.
Methods: a three-dimensional model of a human maxillary segment with a single
component dental implant was designed. The Computer Assisted Design techniques
were used for design together with the Finite Element Method to simulate its
behavior. Three loading conditions of the implant dental were examined: axial, orallingual,
mesiodistal and combined.
Results: the cortical bone-implant interface showed the highest equivalent stress
values when evaluating the combined loading condition. On the other hand, in the
trabecular bone-dental implant interface, the combined loading condition generated
the highest equivalent stress values just in the lower part of the apical area and the
lowest values in the proximal region to the cortical bone.
Conclusions: the stress distribution in the dental implant and in its interface within
the cortical bone and the trabecular bone were shown in this study. The loading
condition of the new single component dental implant has a significant effect on the
levels of stress in the implant and in the cortical and trabecular bones located in the
type IV osseous quality maxillae.
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