2015, Number 1
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Arch Inv Mat Inf 2015; 7 (1)
Social representations of diet in obese patients: international case Mexico (Chalco) / Brazil (Aracaju). Part I
Casas PD, Costa da Cunha OC, Rodríguez TA, Contreras LG, Maya MMÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 34-41
PDF size: 118.64 Kb.
Introduction: Obesity is a preventable chronic disease of multifactorial origin, where diet becomes crucial for combating it; but, how is it made up in obese patients in two countries?
Objective: To interpret the social representation of «diet» in obese patients in a community in the State of Mexico and to compare it with a community of Brazil.
Method: This study is qualitative; semi-structured interviews were conducted with groups of obese people in Mexico (Chalco) and Brazil (Aracaju).
Results: In relation to diet, the actors in Mexico show an imaginary which refers to everything that they are forced to eat (biomedicalized centralism), to which they must adhere; they show respect for the diet prescribed by a nutritionist or medical doctor, but refer to it as very expensive and not based on economic reality. The actors in Brazil defined diet as «healthy eating», «support for fighting against their suffering»; the diet prescribed by a family doctor or health promoter was considered adequate and made up of local food.
Conclusion: The discursive relation of the patients interviewed shows that the Brazilian population has a more established meaning regarding the basic food system, whereas in Mexico, the meaning has developed in relation to a biomedical field (biocontrol). Knowing the meaning of «diet» for obese patients allows us to propose strategies for prevention, health promotion and education to improve healthy behaviors and habits, as those observed in the discourse of the Brazilian population.
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