2016, Number 1
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Rev Clin Esc Med 2016; 6 (1)
Rehabilitación en VIH/SIDA
Uclés VV, Espinoza REA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 109-116
PDF size: 936.05 Kb.
The first cases of HIV reported date to 1983 have
since, develop a pandemic infection worldwide.
HIV is one of the emerging diseases that have
been increased in years. Costa Rica is no exception
The adverse effects to medications, opportunistic
infections, and symptoms of HIV, make the
population predisposed to limitation of their
functional abilities. The adverse effects to antiretroviral
treatment generates toxicity that alters of
homeostasis of the organism, which consequently
creates a number of syndromes and clinical
conditions. Furthermore, those affects the musculoskeletal
system as in neuropathies, lipohypertrophy,
lipoatrophy, myopathies, among others
Rehabilitation can be broadly defined as any
services and activities that treat, or prevent deficiencies,
limitations on daily activities. Or participation
restrictions, experienced by an individual,
who benefits could meet and help contribute to
the physical wellbeing functional and emotional
status, or social or adaptations for patients who
require it.
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