2013, Number 4
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MEDICC Review 2013; 15 (4)
Psychological, behavioral and familial factors in obese cuban children and adolescents
Pérez LM, García K, Herrera R
Language: English
References: 24
Page: 24-28
PDF size: 222.95 Kb.
Introduction: The global prevalence of obesity has reached alarming proportions. In Cuba, the rise in numbers of children who are overweight or obese, especially preschoolers and adolescents, is similar to that observed in developed countries. Beyond the physical risk factors, there is evidence that obesity has negative psychological, social, academic and economic effects.
Objetive: Describe the psychological, behavioral and familial factors present in a group of obese children and adolescents in Cuba.
Methods: This is a qualitative cross-sectional study of 202 obese children and adolescents aged 3–18 years, with an average age of 9.9 years, seen at the Medical–Surgical Research Center (Havana) psychology service from January 2009 through December 2012. Techniques included interviews of patients and parents, projective drawings and the Rotter Incomplete Sentence Blank.
Results: Unhealthy eating habits were reported in 96% of obese children and adolescents, and sedentary lifestyles in 88.1%. Emotional state was affected in 80.2%, and in 72.3% there were family attitudes with potential to produce psychological disturbances in children.
Conclusions: Psychological, behavioral, and familial factors known to foster development and perpetuation of obesity were observed in the majority of cases. This is a first diagnostic stage that will aid in design and implementation of a psychological intervention program for obese and overweight children and their families.
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