2015, Number 4
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CorSalud 2015; 7 (4)
Supraventricular tachycardia in a newborn: A diagnostic and therapeutic challenge in medical practice
Chávez GE, Ramos RRR
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 309-313
PDF size: 523.48 Kb.
Supraventricular tachycardias in children are the fastest rhythms most frequently reported
(70%). Orthodromic tachycardia is that which usually occurs in newborns, and
its treatment with amiodarone together with beta blockers has an effectiveness of
63%. However, the combination of antiarrhythmic drugs in children and infants is not
recommended because of the proarrhythmic effects. Electrophysiological study and
radiofrequency ablation are reserved for older children, where there is less risk of
procedures; besides little risk has been reported in children with accessory pathways.
The case of an 11-day-old newborn who presented two electrocardiographically different
episodes of tachycardia is reported. Those episodes suggested unequal production
mechanisms of the arrhythmia, which was difficult to control and needed the
combination of three antiarrhythmic drugs for maintaining sinus rhythm.
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