2016, Number 1
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2016; 54 (1)
Effectiveness of the outpatient treatment of the community-acquired pneumonia: systematic review and meta-analysis
Castelán-Martínez OD, Hernández-Carbajal E, Contreras-García CE, Guadalupe-Ojeda LN, Rivas-Ruiz R
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 128-136
PDF size: 319.46 Kb.
Background: Community-acquired pneumonia is an important cause
of mortality and morbidity worldwide. Therefore, our aim was to assess
the efficacy and safety of outpatient treatment of community-acquired
Methods: We systematically reviewed randomized clinical trials evaluating
efficacy and safety of outpatient treatment (OPT) compared with
inpatient treatment (IPT) of community-acquired pneumonia in patients
without added co-morbidity. Relative Risk (RR) and 95 % confidence
interval (95 % CI) were calculated.
Results: From 4088 reviewed articles, two articles were included for
meta-analysis, including 2324 patients. One study was conducted in
adults, and the other was carried out in pediatric patients. Treatment
setting was not significantly associated with treatment failure (RR 0.84
[95% CI 0.68, 1.02]). Death occurred in 6 of 2324 with no difference
between the two groups (RR 0.56 [95 % CI 0.12-2.61]). Finally, no differences
were seen in hospital readmission between groups (RR 0.82
[95 % CI 0.52-1.30]).
Conclusion: Evidence shows that treatment setting of communityacquired
pneumonia is not statistically associated with treatment failure
or mortality.
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