2016, Number 1
Extracurricular work to prevent nicotinism in children and adolescents through the medical university
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 84-95
PDF size: 127.43 Kb.
Background: nicotinism prevention should involve teachers, parents, social organizations, health professionals, and even, students of the medical sciences. Extracurricular activities play a protagonist role in the student’s ´performance.Objective: to describe an educational strategy for nicotinism prevention in children and adolescents developed by students of Medicine and Odontology, as a part of the medical university extracurricular work with the educational community.
Methods: it was carried out a participative investigation in "Abel Santamaría" School City of Santa Clara, from October 2014 to March 2015. Methods of the theoretical level were used: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction and of the empiric one: the group discussion and the observation.
Results: the diagnosis showed that a considerable percent of adolescents smoke, they began this bad habit in the first years of the career, prevailing in high standards in the students of the terminal years and there is little perception of risk among them. The professors recognize the poor carrying out of activities directed to the prevention of the smoking habit at school and the necessity to involve the family in educational actions. A strategy was elaborated where it was taken into account the school level and the age of the students involved in it and the carrying out of multiple participative techniques to motivate the students on the topic.
Conclusions: it was valued by specialists' criteria as positive according to its pertinence to solve the detected deficiencies.
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