2015, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2015; 41 (4)
Health selfperception-related factors in older adults
Peláez E, Acosta LD, Carrizo ED
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 638-648
PDF size: 233.70 Kb.
Objectives: to evaluate the health status in old persons through the health selfperception
indicator, and to analyze factors affecting such self-perception.
Methods: primary data from research "Life conditions and nutritional health in Aging
of Córdoba City" was used. The universe of study was made up of people of both
sexes aged 60 years and older, self-sufficient and residents in Cordoba city,
Argentina; they had been surveyed in 2011 for the above-mentioned research.
Dependent variable was health self-perception. Bivariate analysis and multivariate
analysis (through decision tree technique), were conducted.
Results: in the study, 60.1 % of the elderly had positive health self-perception
(excellent, very good or good). The bivariate analysis showed that negative health
self-perception was related to being a woman, having no medical insurance, having
no incomes or less than 250 USD, requiring help, suffering from more than one
chronic disease, having low or intermediate schooling and life dissatisfaction. The
multivariate analysis showed that the variable chronic diseases causes the highest
effect in health self perception. Other predictive variables were received support and
life satisfaction.
Conclusions: the health self-perception indicator is useful for measuring the health
status of a population since it strongly relates with the presence of chronic diseases.
Additionally, the received support has an effect on perceived health and life
satisfaction is a subjective component related to health self perception.
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