2015, Number 2
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Rev Med UV 2015; 15 (2)
Leptin biochemical mechanisms involved in the development of obesity
Acosta HME, Ramos MFR, Escobar HJBH, López MJJD, Escobar CP, García RRV, Ortega PCB, Croda-Todd MT, Gasca PE
Language: Spanish
References: 52
Page: 103-113
PDF size: 728.37 Kb.
Obesity is characterized by an excessive
accumulation of body fat of a higher caloric
intake to energy consumption. At the
present time it is considered a public health
problem worldwide. It is a complex and
multifactorial disease, which is developed
by different factors, such as genetics, diet,
physical inactivity and social conditions. It
is now known that the regulation of body
weight and body composition depends on the
balance between energy intake and energy
consumed by the body; these mechanisms
are regulated by a bidirectional signaling
that occurs between the gastrointestinal (GI)
and central nervous system (CNS) through
mechanisms acting in the short term and
long term, allowing a relatively stable body
weight despite daily fluctuations in diet and
energy expenditure. One of the proposals
to explain the overweight and obesity is an
energy imbalance mediated leptin signaling,
because leptin controls body fat tissue and,
hence, body weight. Some studies showed
that exist a strong correlation between serum
leptin levels and the percentage of body fat.
Deficiency in the production and signaling
of this hormone would be related to this
pathology. This paper tries to explain the
mechanisms of leptin and its relationship
with obesity.
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