2015, Number 3
Risk behavior and sexual and reproductive problems in ecuadorian college students
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 421-439
PDF size: 222.44 Kb.
Introduction: Pregnancy, abortion, sexually transmitted infections including Human Immunodeficiency Virus, have become a health problem of more vulnerable in young people.Objective: To describe risk behaviors and prevalence of sexual and reproductive problems of university.
Method: Descriptive study, the universe consisted of students from two groups of second semester; the study group is conformed by students of the Public Health Faculty (n = 225); and control selected by a random sample of students from other faculties (n = 320), in order to assess the homogeneity of the variables between groups.
Results: Homogeneity exists in most risk behaviors and sexual problems in groups, therefore these variables are not influenced by membership in the Public Health Faculty. Risk behaviors as evidence: early initiation of sexual activity, multiple partners, infidelity, sexual relationship linked to substance consumption, which prevails alcohol, together with the non-use or inappropriate use of contraception or protection; experience of pregnancy, most unplanned, induced abortions and the presence of sexually transmitted infections: prevalence of problems as found.
Conclusions: There is vulnerability in sexual and reproductive health of young students regardless of their training, thus emerges the need to find alternatives comprehensive promotion, prevention and comprehensive sex education.
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