2013, Number 1
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Rev Mex Ing Biomed 2013; 34 (1)
Protocol for the Functional Analysis of Prosthesis in Patients with Partial Foot Amputation
Hernández-Castillo A, Álvarez-Camacho M, Sánchez- Arévalo FM
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 97-107
PDF size: 1047.58 Kb.
At present, the development of prostheses presents problems that
have yet to be completely solved. Despite that various studies have
been developed to evaluate the functioning of these prostheses, the
works presented in the literature are conducted with suppositions
of burden, of materials, and are even practiced under static
conditions. The technique of Digital image correlation (DIC)
has been useful in diverse applications, but has been scarcely
explored in the ambience of prostheses. In this work, we present a
technique capable of measuring the real deformation of prosthetic
systems in patients with amputations, under real conditions of
load and posture. Employing the DIC method, it is possible to
evaluate a patient?s prosthesis without the need for instrumenting
or modifying it. In addition, it is possible to know the main points
of deformation without having to ultimate load the piece. With
this technique, it is possible to measure the prosthetic system?s
main deformation zones, with the advantage that evaluation can
be performed applying the real loads and postures of a patient in
a dynamic analysis.
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