2015, Number 5
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2015; 53 (5)
Mental health indicators and their association with smoking in Guadalajara teenagers by sex
Nuño-Gutiérrez BL, Celis-de la Rosa A, García-Pérez OP
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 570-577
PDF size: 89.34 Kb.
Background: To associated mental health factors with tobacco-smoking
in the last month in scholastic adolescents.
Methods: An analytic transversal study with 1134 students in the first
year of senior studies in a government preparatory school. Ten mental
health factors were evaluated: self-esteem, impulsiveness, depressive
symptoms, suicide ideation, disordered eating, recreation, locus of control,
relationship with father, relationship with mother and stress.
Results: We found mental health factors differences between men and
women. In the risk analysis, the factors which associated with tobacco
smoking in men were high self-esteem, impulsiveness, age and tobaccosmoking
in friends. For the women suicide ideation, impulsiveness disordered
eating, age and tobacco-smoking in friends and brothers. After the
logistic regression were associated impulsiveness and tobacco-smoking
in friends for both, high self-esteem and age for men, and tobacco-smoking
in brothers for women.
Conclusions: Mental health factors are different for men and women.
However, all of them are a reference that tobacco-smoking is associated
with the inner world of teens that are meaning differently for men and
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