2015, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2015; 53 (4)
Change in prevalence of physical and sports activities in a cohort of students
Yamamoto-Kimura LT, Alvear-Galindo MG, Morán-Alvarez C, Rodríguez-Pérez Á, Fernández Varela-Mejía H, Solís-Torres C
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 504-511
PDF size: 98.90 Kb.
Background: Sedentary lifestyle is one of the worldwide problems of
Public Health. Given that, physical activity has both direct and indirect
effects on the mortality and morbidity on non-communicable chronic diseases.
The aim was to determine the change in prevalence of sedentary
lifestyle in a cohort of students.
Methods: The Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México makes an
Automated Medical Examination to students. In this evaluation, the
sport, physical activity and other risk factors were analyzed in students
admitted in 2010 to the Faculty of Medicine that were previously analyzed
in 2007.
Results: A total of 593 students were studied. The mean age was 15.1
± 1.4 years. The prevalence of physical inactivity increased from 38.3 to
39.9 %. When stratifi ed by gender, women were more sedentary (
p ‹ 0.05).
Sports activities decreased signifi cantly in frequency and time. In the sedentary
population, the prevalence of overweight increased in men and the
obesity in women. Smoking increased 4.9 % and alcohol consumption in
36.7 % in both sexes.
Conclusions: The prevalence of physical inactivity was higher compared
to other countries. Smoking and alcohol consumption increased so it is
necessary to follow up and implement programs of health promotion.
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