2015, Number 4
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2015; 53 (4)
Epidemiological surveillance of febrile rash illness
Pérez-Pérez GF, Rojas-Mendoza T, Cabrera-Gaytán DA, Grajales-Muñiz C, Maldonado- Burgos MA
Language: Spanish
References: 43
Page: 444-452
PDF size: 236.46 Kb.
Background: Three imported cases of measles were detected in 2011,
so the issue of surveillance with epidemiological alerts intensifi ed. The
aim of this article is to describe the phenomenon of intensifi ed surveillance
of febrile rash illness before the import of confi rmed measles in the
country at the Mexican Institute of Social Security cases.
Methods: The cases of epidemiological surveillance system 2011 were
obtained was compared with the prior year It was determined t-Student
mean difference and Wilson test for proportions, both with an alpha value
of 0.05.
Results: 2786 cases of febrile rash illness were reported, 51.2 % more
cases than the previous year were reported in 2011, the number of
reported cases in relation to the expected increase in 29 of the 35 Delegations,
an increase in the average number of cases reported from week
26. 67.4 % of reported cases are concentrated in children under 5 years
of age. The average days to collect laboratory sample improved after
issuing alerts from 3.4 to 2.6 days (
p ‹ 0.000000559).
Conclusions: signifi cant increase in reported cases of febrile rash
illness compared with the prior year was appreciated. The Institute has
a surveillance system for robust and febrile rash illness, which has identifi
ed risks to the population.
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