2015, Number 3
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2015; 17 (3)
Clinical and epidemic characteristics of patients with buccomaxillofacial deformity lesions in the population from Sancti Spíritus
Rodríguez PEM, Barreto OMÁ, Rodríguez BMC, Medinilla IG
Language: Spanish
References: 15
PDF size: 168.75 Kb.
Background: The considerable increase of needy patients of rehabilitative treatment with buccomaxillofacial lesions in the county of Sancti Spíritus is one of the important causes of this problem of health to be investigated, which will allow the planning of the resources for each patient's rehabilitation.
Objective: To describe the clinical-epidemic behavior of the buccomaxillofacial lesions that need of rehabilitative treatment.
Methodology: It was carried out a descriptive investigation in the period understood from November 1998 and February 2008, the population was formed by 407 patients rehabilitated with restorative prosthesis, it was carried out the distribution of frequency according to selected variables, age, sex, color of the skin, prosthetic experience, origin and localization of the defect.
Results: The ocular defect prevailed, the most affected sex was the masculine; also the patients of white race were those that prevailed and the etiological factor of more incidences was the traumatic.
Conclusions: The clinical-epidemic behavior of the buccomaxillofacial lesions in the population from Sancti Spíritus showed a real necessity of rehabilitative treatment.
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