2015, Number 3
Loss of the first permanent molar in children of 8, 10 and 12 years. South Area. 2013
Language: Spanish
References: 15
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Background: The first permanent molars are the most susceptible dental structure to dental caries and their early loss. Objective: To identify the loss of this molar in children from 8, 10, and 12 years old. Methodology: It was carried out a descriptive, transversal and an observational study from January to June 2013. The universe was composed by 125 children from the south area in Sancti Spiritus, assisted in consultation what constituted the study sample. Results: Male sex was the most affected by the loss of the first permanent molar and it increased with age. The absence of the first inferior right molar reached the highest percent being the rotation of the teeth and unilateral mastication the most common buccal affections caused by the loss of the molar already mentioned. Conclusion: Male sex and 12 year old children were the most affected by the loss of the first permanent molar.The first inferior right molar reached the highest percent of loss being the rotation of the teeth and the unilateral mastication the most common buccal affections.REFERENCES
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