2015, Number 6
Preventive analgesia with Diclofenac in the post-operative pain after the videolaparoscopic cholecystectomy
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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It was performed a prospective, quasi- experimental, controlled, double blind study in patients that were surgically assisted due to bladder stones by means of laparoscopic video surgery, at Celia Sanchez Manduley University Hospital in Manzanillo, during the period of January, 2010 to December, 2013; with the objective to evaluate the effectiveness of preventive analgesia with Diclofenac in the post- operative pain after the video laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The universe of study coincided with the sample and it was formed by 100 patients, who were distributed into two groups: group I (Experimental or study), created with the first 50 patients who came to the service and received preventive analgesia with Diclofenac, and the group II (Control), formed by the last 50 patients without preventive analgesia. It was applied the Chi- square test, from the statistical point of view to determine the existence of the association among the variables of the study. The preventive management of Diclofenac prevents the post – operative pain after the video laparoscopic cholecystectomy, proving its effectiveness in preventive analgesia. Female patients about 40-50 years prevailed. There were no adverse effects in the management of Diclofenac.REFERENCES
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