2015, Number 6
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Med Int Mex 2015; 31 (6)
Liver angiosarcoma associated to hemoperitoneum. A little frequent clinical entity
Carrillo-Esper R, Athie-Athie AJ, Chable-Montero F, Peña-Pérez CA, Rojo-del Moral Ó, Cruz-Santana JA, Romero-González JP, Gómez-Ahumada G
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 755-760
PDF size: 530.26 Kb.
Liver angiosarcoma is a rare disease, accounting for only 2% of primary liver malignancy. No specific symptoms and signs are closely associated with this disease and usually presents as an abdominal mass. The prognosis of liver angiosarcoma is very poor. We report a case with primary liver angiosarcoma presenting with hemorrhagic shock and hemoperitoneum due to tumor rupture.
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