2014, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (2)
Profile of ostomized patients assisted by family health strategy
Leal ALA, Barros ALMH
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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Objective: To analyze the profile of ostomized patients assisted by family health strategy.
Methods: Exploratory descriptive study with quantitative approach, performed with 45 ostomy patients of both sexes, whose sample covered 100% of patients. Data were collected through a form between July to August 2013, through technical interview and physical examination, categorization in Microsoft Excel and processed using the SPSS 16.0 by descriptive statistics.
Results: Identified himself a predominance female (57,8%), predominantly aged 20-59 years (55,6%), mostly with low education (55,6%) and low family income (75,6%). As the underlying cause of ostomy predominant inflammatory bowel diseases (40,0%); most were colostomy (77,8%), temporary (66,7%), made use of a piece of scholarships (80,0%), drainable (60,0%) and protective barrier (62,2%).
Conclusions: Knowledge of the profile of the person stoma and the peculiarities related to stoma shows is essential for directing nursing care, given the active
participation of the client articulated with other professionals involved in the course of the perioperative and follow-up of rehabilitation process.
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