2014, Number 2
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (2)
Relationship between Apache II and the development of pressure ulcers in critical trauma patients
Burbano LMC, Chinchilla J, García J, Serrano D
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Objective: to establish the cause and effect relation of the variables considered in
APACHE II and skincare, as risk factors for the development of pressure ulcers in
patients critical due to trauma.
Method: a cohort study based on the review of medical records of critical trauma
patients admitted to two Intensive Care Units in Cali during 2011-2012. The sample
was 87 medical records for exposed with an APACHE II score equal to or greater than
10, and 110 for unexposed with an APACHE II score equal to or lover than 9. Criteria inclusion: over 18 years of age, hospital stays longer than 48 hours, diagnosed with
any kind of trauma requiring surgery. Exclusion: presence of pressure ulcers upon
admission to the intensive care unit. The dependent variable was pressure ulcers, while
the independent variables were multiple trauma; the APACHE II variables. Simple
linear regression and
Chi-square were used to determine the association of the
independent variables with the dependent variable. The relative risk (RR) for the
magnitude of these associations.
Results: the incidence of pressure ulcers was 53 %. There was significant statistical
association between the development of pressure ulcers and changes in temperature (p = 0.050, RR = 1.13), respiratory rate (p=0.035, RR=1.14), hypoxemia (p=0.02.
RR=1.24) and serum sodium (p=0.022, RR=1.57). 63% of the 87 patients with APACHE II equal to or greater than 10, developed pressure ulcers (p=0.017, RR=1.2).
Discussion: changes in the physiological variables of APACHE II can predict the development of pressure ulcers in critical trauma patients, making it possible to include them in the nursing scales used for prevention of pressure ulcers.
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