2015, Number 5
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Salud Mental 2015; 38 (5)
Salud mental en mujeres maltratadas por su pareja. Un estudio con muestras de México y España
García OMJ, Matud AMP
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 321-327
PDF size: 179. Kb.
Violence against women is internationally recognized as a social phenomenon
representing a public health and a human rights problem.
Partner abuse is its most common form and it affects the victim’s physical
and mental health in the short- and long-term.
To analyze partner abuse in women from the general population
based on a comparative study with women from Mexico and Spain.
Another goal was to study the impact of this type of abuse on women’s
mental health and the relevance of socio-cultural risk factors.
Transversal study with 101 Mexican women and 101 Spaniard women
from the general population evaluated in seven psychological tests
on partner abuse, mental health, self-esteem, social support and attitudes
towards gender roles.
Most Mexican women and more than half of the Spaniards suffered
abuse from their partners. Psychological maltreatment was the most
frequent form of abuse. This was associated with worst mental health,
less social support and more traditional attitudes towards gender
Discussion and conclusion
The results of this study indicate that partner abuse, especially psychological
is a common problem among women from the general
population, coinciding with reports related to its prevalence in both
countries, and it seems to be influenced by socio-cultural patterns.
Partner abuse, especially psychological, is a threat for women’s mental
health that needs to be attended focusing on the socio-cultural risk
factors underlying it.
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