2014, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2014; 30 (1)
Adverse events related to nursing care
Navas-Torres J, Alvarado-Muriel P, González-Cartagena JL, Delgado-Ortiz SA, Domínguez CL, Valero-Cárdenas H, Luna-Gómez N, Sandoval MC, Fajardo-Puentes SL, Rojas-Sánchez LZ, García-Mancipe M, Parra DI, Rey-Gómez R, Camargo-Figuera FA
Language: Spanish
References: 25
PDF size: 202.00 Kb.
Introduction: safety in health care has become a priority in many countries. It is
important to inquire about those fact involved in its occurrence for the organizations to
respond appropriately to prevent them.
Objective: To characterize the population who presented adverse events, describing
the characteristics related to the patient, the environment and the nursing staff.
Methodology: descriptive analysis of a cohort pilot hospital about adverse events
related to nursing care, in Bucaramanga, Colombia.
Results: Prevalent events found in patients were alterations in mood, confinement to
bed and need for special diet; in the environment events were: lack of inputs for
pressure ulcers prevention and lack of nurse call buttons. The average number of
patients per nurse practitioner was 27.3 and auxiliary nurses of 9.1.
Conclusions: The knowledge about the characteristics that were present in the
patients who developed an adverse event, is a first approximation of the problem and
an important element for health organizations have more arguments for investing in
safer practices.
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