2014, Number 1
The challenges of newly-graduated in Nursing in the world of work
Language: Portugués
References: 19
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The study aimed to understand how nurses graduates find their first job. This is qualitative research conducted with six nurses graduates, in Montes Claros, Minas Gerais-Brazil. Interview was used for data collection, which were taped and transcribed. The data were processed through content analysis. The project was submitted to and approved by the Research Ethics Committee, opinion number 0179711. Regarding the characterization of respondents, subjects identified by active search in health institutions were graded into two different institutions of Montes Claros. End of year ranking of surveyed was, for the most part, in 2009, a total of 66.8 % (n=04). It is observed that the period between the conclusion of the course and the first job did not exceed one (01) year. By analyzing and interpreting the research data, the identification of themes more incidents in the speeches that allowed the identification of categories that showed the challenges faced, the factors that facilitated the interviewed on his transition and the perception of his education at the graduate with the reality encountered in the health institutions. These categories received the following designations: "the challenges of leadership and management"; "Competence and technical ability"; "Facilities in transition to the world of work"; "Training versus reality of professional". The first job was stressful situation and fear being points education facilitators, conducting extracurricular training and support team members. How to process, we noticed young age and inexperience, the dissonance between the undergraduate theory and professional practice. The first job was marked by difficulties, but it might be time to overcome the limits resulting from vocational training.REFERENCES
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