2015, Number 5
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Medisur 2015; 13 (5)
Correspondence between clinical and histopathological diagnosis of tumors of the ocular adnexa
Milanés AAR, Curbelo GM, Molina CK, Llull TMA, Landestoy BM, Milanés MM
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 605-616
PDF size: 500.18 Kb.
Background: tumors of the ocular adnexa are a common cause of patient visits to the Ophthalmology consultation. An adequate clinical-pathological relationship is important for prognosis.
Objective: to describe the correspondence between clinical and histopathological diagnosis of tumors of the ocular adnexa.
Methods: a case series study was conducted in patients who underwent a histopathological study due to suspicion of malignancy treated at the Oculoplastic Service of the Ophthalmology Center of the "Dr. Gustavo Aldereguía" University General Hospital, from January 2014 to the same month of 2015. The variables analyzed were: age, skin color, type of tumor, correspondence between clinical and histopathological diagnosis and safety margin.
Results: correspondence between clinical and histopathological diagnosis was 79.1%. The 40-59 age group was the most affected, with a higher incidence in females. The most common location was the eyelid region in white patients. Benign lesions of the eyelid and conjunctiva predominated. Conjunctival carcinoma and basal cell carcinoma were the most common malignancies; the safety margin was 2.19%.
Conclusions: an adequate correspondence between presumptive and histopathological diagnosis was observed. The safety margin achieved was satisfactory.
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