2015, Number 2
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TIP Rev Esp Cienc Quim Biol 2015; 18 (2)
Quality of fog-water artificially collected in the Pixquiac watershed, Veracruz, Mexico: preliminary results
Jofre-Meléndez R, Cervantes-Pérez J, Barradas VL
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 122-130
PDF size: 377.80 Kb.
In order to determine if artificially collected water fog in the mountainous located in central the region
of Veracruz state is suitable for human consumption; a preliminary sampling was made, from January to
March (2010), the period with more fog frequency. The objective was to analyze the physical, chemical
and biological aspects concerning water quality. It was found that this water is not suitable for direct
human consumption, since it contains heavy metals such as mercury, coliform organisms and high amounts
of ammonia nitrogen, though it is suitable for direct use in agriculture. However, it is possible to apply a
sanitation treatment for human use at a cost of 0.00341 USD L
-1 not including the labor cost neither the
necessary infrastructure. Various causes can lead to this water pollution are discussed and it is concluded
that collected fog water is not suitable for human consumption, but it might be used for agriculture.
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