2011, Number 2
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Rev Esp Cienc Salud 2011; 14 (2)
The creative activity as mental health promotion. A longitudinal study
Rios BME
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 74-78
PDF size: 150.78 Kb.
Seventeen years ago, at the Faculty of Superior Studies Zaragoza (FES Zaragoza), several Artistic Workshops were open to make
a total of sixteen. They offered an artistic formation without a professional interest, only as a complementary academic
education, with the next hypothesis: The creative expressions canalized to an adequate social field in the University provoke
in the subjective and intersubjective universes different transformation processes.
Individual and group interviews were made to 58 students of both sexes. The interviews were recorded using a Hi8 camera.
A similarity in the creative process they lived was observed and in which we can distinguish four integral moments making
them better human beings and professionals, as well as making then more tolerant and mature for group relationships.
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