2015, Number 3
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Mediciego 2015; 21 (3)
Cardiocirculatory dysfunction in patients with liver cirrhosis
Porbén CN, Camacho AJA, Artigas PR
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 17-26
PDF size: 102.72 Kb.
Introduction: the presence of cardiac disturbances in cirrhotic patients has received special
attention in these last years.
Objective: to determine the electrocardiographic and echocardiographic disturbances in patients
with cirrhosis of the liver attending the Hepatology Doctor´s Office in the University Hospital “Dr.
Antonio Luaces Iraola”, as well as its association with the etiology and the prognosis Child-Pugh
scoring system.
Method: a cross-sectional observational analytic study was conducted, from May 2012 to May
2014. The universe included 31 patients. All the patients fulfilled the inclusion criteria.
Results: most of the patients were male and were in the “A” stage of the Child-Pugh score.
Alcoholism was the most frequent cause of liver cirrhosis. Most of the patients had diastolic
dysfunction, but there was not statistically significant relationship among its severity, the Child-
Pugh stage and the etiology.
Conclusions: the diastolic diameter of the left ventricle showed statistically significant
relationship with the etiology of liver cirrhosis; the diameter of the left atrium, systolic and mean
pulmonary artery were statistically related to the Child-Pugh stage. Left atrium enlargement and
left ventricle hypertrophy were the most frequent electrocardiographic findings, although no
statistical association was observed between them and the etiology of the Child-Pugh stage.
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