2015, Number 4
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Revista Cubana de Información en Ciencias de la Salud (ACIMED) 2015; 26 (4)
Digital libraries: a brief bibliometric study
Cabrera FAM
Language: Spanish
References: 60
Page: 362-380
PDF size: 507.90 Kb.
The behavior and trends of research activity on digital libraries, from the bibliographic production embodied in international literature and compiled in
Scopus and
Web of Science between 1995-2014, was analized. A retrospective search covering the 20 years elapsed between 1995 and 2014 was
conducted in the databases
Scopus and
Web of Science. Bibliometric methods for scientific activity and information visualization techniques were used to represent the results and make qualitative assessments. Classic document analysis was used to identify a number of theoretical and conceptual aspects related to the topic. 1,421 documents were retrieved from Scopus and 378 from
WoS. In both cases fluctuations were found in the temporal evolution of papers. The most productive
years in both databases were 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2011 and 2012. The most productive country in the subject of digital libraries was the United States with 491
papers indexed in Scopus and 146 in
WoS. Regarding the types of information sources, papers ranked first in
Scopus with 764, whereas proceedings from
professional events predominated in
WoS with 194. The most productive authors in both databases were
Ch. Papatheodorou, G. Tsakonas, A. Blandford, D. Goh and
A. Shiri. Research about digital libraries included in the scientific literature reached its
peak in the second half of the first decade of the 21st century. A larger number of documents about digital libraries was found in
Scopus than in the
Web of Science.
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