2015, Number 4
To strengthen the educational communication during the Preparation for the Defense course
Language: Spanish
References: 11
Page: 98-109
PDF size: 123.44 Kb.
Background: the educational communication allows regulating the behavior of professors and students, using persuasive resources, stimulating self-analysis and propitiating the critical understanding of behavior.Objective: to elaborate actions to strengthen the educational communication in the Preparation for the Defense subject course.
Methods: it was carried out a cross-sectional descriptive study in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, from January to December 2013. Theoretical methods were used: analysis synthesis, inductive-deductive and historical-logical; and empiric ones: the survey was applied to students and professors that were researching about the behavior of professorprofessor, professor-student and student-student communication.
Results: there are some difficulties in the educational communication, for instance it is limited by the short time that the students and professors share, and the existence of barriers related with tone, speed and the intonation curves when speaking; and although they consider it correct in general, actions were elaborated to strengthen it.
Conclusions: the actions were valued by the specialists as feasible, objective and pertinent when contributing to a new point of view of the educational work and to contribute to improve communication among the personal components of the teaching-learning process.
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