2015, Number 4
Improvement of the syllabus Philosophy and Society in the Medicine career. Content dimension
Language: Spanish
References: 10
Page: 71-85
PDF size: 177.56 Kb.
Background: from 2008 on deep transformations began in the teaching of Marxism in the universities of medical sciences that require to be studied for the improvement of the program Philosophy and Society, and in which the content dimension is essential.Objective: to identify the main successes and deficiencies in Marxism teaching, according to the student´s point of view on the content dimension, in order to determine the main modifications as a steady improvement of the discipline.
Methods: it was carried out a development investigation in Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences from February 2012 to July 2013. The study universe comprised the students of first year of the Medicine career. Different methods were applied to know the students criteria on the contents of the Philosophy and Society discipline.
Results: according to the students the contents with greater difficulties were: II. Marxism as rupture and continuity of the philosophical thought; III. Methodological theoretical system of the Marxist philosophy; VIII. The spiritual production and its forms and IX. The Marxist-Leninist gnoseology. The variables with a lower evaluation were the approachability and interest.
Conclusions: it exists a general approval of the program Philosophy and Society in the content dimension and its variables on the part of the students, although there are also negative valuations or questions in this dimension, as well as in some variables and/or indicators which were subjected.
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