2015, Number 5
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Rev Fac Med UNAM 2015; 58 (5)
Entrustable Professianl Activities: a step futher in the paradigm of medical education competencies
Hamui-Sutton A, Varela-Ruiz M, Ortiz-Montalvo A, Torruco-García U
Language: Spanish
References: 55
Page: 24-39
PDF size: 429.68 Kb.
Introduction: The National Health System is evolving
towards the organizational homologation for a more efficient
use of their resources and to provide a better quality
of care to the population. This situation demands an educational
shift consistent with these purposes.
Objective: To present the epistemological and pedagogical
bases for the development of an educational model based
on Entrustable Professional Activities in Medicine, with flexible
and diversified characteristics compatible with the usual
educational experiences on clinical settings.
Method: Based on the idea of epistemological interpretation,
the authors establish a set of conceptual relations based on
experiential theory and situated learning, as well as deliberate
and reflective practice in order to support the development
of competencies in a process that goes from novice to expert.
Results: The pedagogical model present progress in clarifying
the relationship between Entrustable Professional Activities
and competencies in clinical practices and act as a
mediator between the educational subjects that interact
in the hospital.
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