2015, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Anestesiología y Reanimación 2015; 14 (1)
The checklist as a tool for the development of the surgical patient safety
Solor MA, Pérez BL
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 50-57
PDF size: 86.70 Kb.
Introduction: the WHO develops strategies to reduce the adverse events to the
patient that is going to be tapped with the aim of promoting the surgical patient's
certainty; the various worldwide countries have extended the implementation of the
list of verification of the certainty of surgery.
Objective: to deepen knowledge and the conviction of the professionals in the
identification of controls of certainty of the surgery for the prevention of damages
to the surgical patient.
Development: the adverse events are more frequent in the surgical patients than
in give them any other specialty. The patients to the being tapped surgically, more
music vulnerable to complications produced by professional errors. The fulfillment
of protocols like the CHECK LIST guarantees the patient safety and it credits the
good praxis for part of the sanitary professionals.
Conclusions: it is proposed reinforcing an increasing culture of clinical certainty in
the sanitary professionals after checking various bibliographies in various bases of
data, achieving the commitment and the conviction of all of the professionals
implicated in the utility of the tool.
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